2009年8月26日 星期三

Massive Attack new song !

在拖拖拉拉,要出不出的便秘了6年之後,Massive Attack的第五張專輯終於有了令人欣慰的進展,確定要推出的時間將在2010年的2月。雖然說這日期已經比他們過去預告的時間還要晚,但這次是官方網站發出的信確認的,所以應該就是了吧!同時,在昨天,他們的第一隻新單曲也在電台播出了'Splitting The Atom',不是過去巡迴演唱中出現過的,歌詞聽起來頗為古怪的歌曲。

Massive Attack EP- 05.10.09

Lead track 'Splitting The Atom' features D, G and Horace Andy, while TV On The Radio frontman Tunde Adebimpe guests on 'Pray For Rain'. The EP also has remixes of two new tracks. 'Psyche' featuring Martina Topley-Bird mixed by Van Rivers & The Subliminal Kid, while the Guy Garvey fronted 'Bulletproof Love' is stripped back to a minimalist reworking by Christoff Berg.

Exclusive play of 'Splitting The Atom' on Radio 1 tonight - Zane Lowe has picked it as his 'Hottest Record In the World Ever' and will play it in his show tonight.

The band will release their fifth studio album in February 2010. This time around sees collaborations with Damon Albarn, Hope Sandoval, Martina Topley-Bird, Guy Garvey and Tunde Adebimpe. More news on this soon...

托massiveattack.ie的福,我在第一時間內也聽到了這首單曲。老實說,我等了6年等到的是這首我有點失望,我覺得3D的聲音聽起來怪怪的,我想念他第1~3張專輯那種庸懶近乎呢喃的聲音。編曲的keyboard太大聲也太突兀,但是節奏還挺不錯的。同時,很好戰又兇悍的massiveattack.ie的大哥們,這次也戰起了Damon Albarn,說他的參與讓這首歌聽起來太像Gorilla了,還說看的出來3D真的很想拯救Gorilla。我反覆聽了幾次以後發現也沒這麼糟啦!keyboard的聲音小一點(或乾脆沒有)就會好很多。

另外,這位廣播的主持人Zane Lowe應該是MA的大歌迷吧!說這首歌是今年最Hot最值得期待的事情了,還說"This just stopped traffic in our office when we hear it, and that's because, oh this is good, this is soooooo so good"(3D尷尬的笑了一下,不過我想他應該聽的很爽,他是那麼自大的人) ,我說Zane老兄啊,你要高潮了嗎?我聽了覺得滿囧的......


反正,拜託兩位大爺,新專輯快出啦!演唱會來亞洲啦!台灣這裡(可能不包括我部落格的讀者們 orz)也有很多人喜歡你們的啊~

